We are a Kennel Club, Registered Dog Training Club, which requires us to be organised and run as a Club with Members.
Membership of the Club entitles you to book “Carry On Training” classes offered in the Members Area of our website, attend and vote at Meetings and Club Events. Only Club Members can participate in Members’ Classes and membership is offered to anyone who has successfully completed at least one of the following courses listed below:
Membership is available to adults, aged 18 plus and we offer SINGLE or FAMILY status, as follows:
SINGLE – One subscription, one named adult, full voting rights
FAMILY – One subscription, voting restricted to one adult family member
Renewal of Membership is by Annual Subscription to be paid on 1st January. We reiterate that only Members can participate in Members’ Classes.
The Annual Subscription is currently set at £10.00 per annum.
If you have any questions or need any further information, please let us know.